PinnedGeni JahoSafely upgrade from PHP 7.4 to 8.1 using RectorI have to say it from the start, the only thing that comes close to safely upgrading a codebase is having a solid set of automated tests…Sep 25, 20221Sep 25, 20221
PinnedGeni JahoUpping the coding style game in PHP using RectorRector has a catalog of refactorings ready for us to consume and expand upon.Aug 31, 20221Aug 31, 20221
PinnedGeni JahoRefactoring #1: Using ternary and null coalescing operators in PHPUnnecessary long syntax, endless chaining of if conditions, and a redundant nested code. Let’s see how it can be improved.Jul 17, 2021Jul 17, 2021
Geni JahoUpgrading to Laravel 10, PHPUnit 10, and Pest 2We’re upgrading from Laravel 9 to 10, and PHPUnit 9 to 10, and, if all goes well, we’ll top it off by migrating to Pest, the latest…Sep 17, 2023Sep 17, 2023
Geni JahoSpeed up GitHub Actions by caching Composer, Rector, & PintGitHub’s 2000 minutes per month of free usage of GitHub Actions is usually enough to handle light workflows. However, as more tech is run…Jun 20, 20231Jun 20, 20231
Geni JahoDoing stricter checks in PHPA nice refactoring I’ve learned recently is to utilize types in conditionals.Apr 9, 20231Apr 9, 20231
Geni JahoUpgrading to Eloquent accessors & mutators from Laravel 9Laravel 10 is making the headlines these days. However, many apps are stuck in older versions, or at least still use the syntax and methods…Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
Geni JahoDevelopment Driven Testing, or testing after the fact.As developers, we lose a lot of benefits by testing after the fact.Feb 1, 2023Feb 1, 2023
Geni JahoAllowing users to send emails with their own SMTP settings in Laravel 9We will extend the Laravel framework with very minimal modifications. Using custom SMTP settings is really easy to achieve.Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
Geni JahoRefactoring #8: What is dead may never runRemoving unreachable and redundant code will benefit you massively over time. There’s a tool to do this automatically for you.Sep 4, 20222Sep 4, 20222